Is it possible to run Call of Duty: Warzone on Mac OSX?

Call of Duty: Warzone has been one of Activision’s most successful games, getting at least 13 million players within its first week of launch. Warzone is also the second Call of Duty game to feature cross-platform multiplayer. In fact, the game is available on PC, PlayStation and Xbox.

Unfortunately, even though the game is available on these platforms, it has not yet been made available on Mac OSX. Although both Activision and Apple have not ruled out Call of Duty: Warzone making its way to the Mac, this will not be happening any time soon.

You can still play Call of Duty on a Mac

In order to do this, you will need a PC or a PlayStation. If you have a PC, you can stream the game through Steam Link or the Moonlight game streaming app, both of which are free. If you have a PlayStation, you can install the PlayStation Remote Streaming app to your Mac to stream the game to your Mac from your PlayStation.

While the above methods do indeed work, they are not ideal if you want to play online.



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