Sony has promised to give out 2 free PlayStation 4 games to users worldwide. This follows Sony thanking everyone practising social distancing in these difficult times. In order to further promote people to stay indoors, Sony is now offering the possibility to download the games for free starting 15 April until 5 May 2020.
The games being offered for free are the following:
The Nathan Drake Collection

This bundle includes 3 games: Drake’s Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, which have been remastered for the PS4.

Journey is a beautiful, celebrated adventure that is as moving as it is mysterious. The game’s life-affirming message is timeless, and perhaps more important now than ever before.
Here’s how to download them
In order to download the Nathan Drake Collection and Journey for free, open up the search from your PS4 or the official PS App on Android/iOS.
Once you open search, search for the Nathan Drake Collection, make sure that the price is marking as free and proceed with the purchase. You can apply the same steps to obtain Journey.
You may now download the games on your PS4 and are yours forever to keep.

Sony has warned that downloading may take longer than usual due to bandwidth throttling in order preserve internet access in the US and Europe.
This article follows Sony’s press release which can be found here.