The Call of Duty Companion app is a FREE app that gives you instant access to Call of Duty info on the go. Plus, you can earn in-game rewards and XP tokens that can use to help you level in Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®. Read on to discover all the stuff you can do and GET by using the Call of Duty Companion App.
Combat Record
Wanting to show your friends how you’re doing in Modern Warfare or check out some of the stats of your squad? Open up the Companion App on your mobile phone or tablet and head to the Player tab. Here, you can view your lifetime stats, weekly stats, stats per game mode (TDM, Dom, HQ, S&D, and Cyber Attack), recent achievements, and more.
Through the app, you can discover your best performing modes. You can also use the app to discover where some more work is needed when you get back out there. Furthermore, you can check on your squad by going to the Feed in the Social tab. On the Feed, you can see recent achievements and who’s online playing Call of Duty.

Sweet Rewards
They say the best things in life are free and that holds true with the Companion App’s rewards. Each week players who log in once receive a sign-in bonus. The sign-in bonus includes items such as free calling cards (examples shown above), Double XP tokens, and Double Weapon XP tokens for use in Modern Warfare.
Another way to earn rewards is to participate in Ops. Ops are weekly tournaments in which your squad competes against 24 other teams to earn the top three spots and get rewards. Your squad can be up to 20 players and you can make progress playing in Modern Warfare or in Call of Duty®: Black Ops 4.
In Ops, your squad will be given a challenge like ‘Get the most wins in Kill Confirmed” or “Get the most kills in Domination”, then play Black Ops 4 or Modern Warfare and track your squad’s progress in the app to win the rewards.
Challenges change every week and rewards are given out to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place squads. Challenges also sometimes have a minimum like ‘Minimum 25 Kill Confirmed Wins’ in order to be eligible to win the Op.
Complete the challenges, win the Op, and collect your rewards.
Intel, Always
The Companion App, also, gives you insight into the happenings in the world of Call of Duty. Head to the Intel tab and scroll through the News feed. The News shows recent articles from the Games Blog including the Weekly Wrap-Up showcasing everything that went on in the past week; the Rank Up Report, a weekly journal as our writer plays through Modern Warfare; and Call of Duty Briefings, a quick rundown on the planned events in the Call of Duty Franchise for the week.
In addition to News, you can find your Match Analysis which gives your insight into your performance on past matches.
These are a few of reasons to start using the Companion App. Download the app from the IOS or Google Play store and take Call of Duty intel to go!